Neutron star universe sandbox 2
Neutron star universe sandbox 2

neutron star universe sandbox 2

If you want to use a specific one just look it up by name. the game has some you can use in the games database. You dont have to create a Neutron star if you dont want to.

neutron star universe sandbox 2 neutron star universe sandbox 2

Then click on it, select it's properties, got to materials, got to the magnetic field selection, type 10e+12 Gauss, and change the magnetic pole angle a bit, and you have a neutron star! Thanks dude! Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE this game, absolutely, and will continue to play with planets as a god for a long time, but there's always room for improvement.Първоначално публикувано от Phoney/Alabaman Mapping:Select the add tool, choose a white dwarf star, like Sirius B, and add it to the simulation. There's also a minor issue that I take with some of the other features of the game, such as supernovae not completely obliterating everything near it, black holes not having anywhere near the gravitational pull that they should have, hypernovae (super-luminous supernovae) being non-existent, all of them are minor on their own but put together they generally decrease overall satisfaction. It confused me that pulsars were in the game, but not neutron stars, as pulsars are a result of neutron stars.

neutron star universe sandbox 2

But, to my surprise, neutron stars weren't in the game I knew that some where in the game already, but I wanted to see if I could create one based on my knowledge of how they're born. I spent hours plopping down various types of black holes and setting stars and other masses into a radical orbit around the black hole, only to learn that, sadly, quasars were non-existent in the game. "A quasar, I'll make a quasar!" I foolishly told myself, assuming that the game was that complex. After a while, I wanted to test my knowledge on the actual advanced workings of stars and black holes. So, when I first hopped into the game, all I did for a few hours was just play with planets and collisions.

Neutron star universe sandbox 2